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Class color

boost::ui::color — Color class.


// In header: <boost/ui/color.hpp>

class color {
  // types
  typedef boost::uint_least8_t channel255_type;  // Channel type with values in [0, 255] range. 
  typedef double               channel1_type;    // Channel type with values in [0, 1] range. 

  // construct/copy/destruct
  color() noexcept;

  // public static functions
  static color 
  rgba255(channel255_type, channel255_type, channel255_type, channel255_type);
  static color rgb255(channel255_type, channel255_type, channel255_type);
  static color 
  rgba1(channel1_type, channel1_type, channel1_type, channel1_type);
  static color rgb1(channel1_type, channel1_type, channel1_type);

  // public data members
  static const color alice_blue;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color antique_white;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color aqua;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color aquamarine;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color azure;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color beige;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color bisque;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color black;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color blanched_almond;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color blue;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color blue_violet;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color brown;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color burly_wood;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color cadet_blue;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color chartreuse;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color chocolate;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color coral;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color cornflower_blue;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color cornsilk;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color crimson;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color cyan;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color dark_blue;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color dark_cyan;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color dark_goldenrod;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color dark_gray;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color dark_green;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color dark_grey;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color dark_khaki;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color dark_magenta;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color dark_olive_green;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color dark_orange;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color dark_orchid;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color dark_red;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color dark_salmon;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color dark_sea_green;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color dark_slate_blue;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color dark_slate_gray;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color dark_slate_grey;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color dark_turquoise;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color dark_violet;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color deep_pink;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color deep_sky_blue;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color dim_gray;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color dim_grey;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color dodger_blue;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color firebrick;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color floral_white;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color forest_green;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color fuchsia;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color gainsboro;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color ghost_white;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color gold;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color goldenrod;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color gray;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color green;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color green_yellow;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color grey;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color honeydew;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color hot_pink;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color indian_red;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color indigo;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color ivory;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color khaki;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color lavender;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color lavender_blush;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color lawn_green;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color lemon_chiffon;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color light_blue;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color light_coral;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color light_cyan;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color light_goldenrod_yellow;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color light_gray;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color light_green;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color light_grey;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color light_pink;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color light_salmon;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color light_sea_green;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color light_sky_blue;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color light_slate_gray;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color light_slate_grey;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color light_steel_blue;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color light_yellow;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color lime;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color lime_green;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color linen;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color magenta;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color maroon;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color medium_aquamarine;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color medium_blue;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color medium_orchid;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color medium_purple;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color medium_sea_green;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color medium_slate_blue;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color medium_spring_green;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color medium_turquoise;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color medium_violet_red;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color midnight_blue;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color mint_cream;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color misty_rose;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color moccasin;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color navajo_white;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color navy;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color old_lace;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color olive;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color olive_drab;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color orange;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color orange_red;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color orchid;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color pale_goldenrod;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color pale_green;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color pale_turquoise;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color pale_violet_red;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color papaya_whip;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color peach_puff;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color peru;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color pink;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color plum;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color powder_blue;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color purple;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color red;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color rosy_brown;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color royal_blue;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color saddle_brown;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color salmon;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color sandy_brown;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color sea_green;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color sea_shell;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color sienna;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color silver;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color sky_blue;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color slate_blue;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color slate_gray;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color slate_grey;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color snow;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color spring_green;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color steel_blue;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color tan;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color teal;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color thistle;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color tomato;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color turquoise;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color violet;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color wheat;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color white;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color white_smoke;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color yellow;  // Predefined color. 
  static const color yellow_green;  // Predefined color. 


See Also:

CSS Color Module (W3C)

See Also:

Color (Wikipedia)

See Also:

RGB color model (Wikipedia)

See Also:

Basic CSS colors (W3C)

See Also:

Extended CSS colors (W3C)

See Also:

Web colors (Wikipedia)

color public construct/copy/destruct

  1. color() noexcept;
    Create transparent black color.

color public static functions

  1. static color 
    rgba255(channel255_type red, channel255_type green, channel255_type blue, 
            channel255_type alpha);
    Creates color from channels in [0, 255].
  2. static color 
    rgb255(channel255_type red, channel255_type green, channel255_type blue);
    Creates opaque color from channels in [0, 255] ragne.


  3. static color 
    rgba1(channel1_type red, channel1_type green, channel1_type blue, 
          channel1_type alpha);
    Creates color from channels in [0, 1].


  4. static color rgb1(channel1_type red, channel1_type green, channel1_type blue);
    Creates opaque color from channels in [0, 1] ragne.
