User Interface Boost library
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 NboostBoost C++ libraries namespace
 NuiBoost.UI library namespace
 Cbasic_point2D point data structure with custom coordinates type
 Cbasic_rect2D rectangle plane figure data structure with custom coordinates type
 Cbasic_size2D size of object data structure with custom coordinates type
 Cbox_layoutAbstract vertical or horizontal box layout
 CbuttonWidget with label that generate event when clicked on
 CcanvasWidget for drawing
 Ccheck_boxLabelled widget that that permits the user to make a binary choice
 Ccheck_box_baseCheck box base class
 CchoiceWidget to select string from popup list of strings
 Cclose_eventClose event class
 CcolorColor class
 Ccombo_boxWidget to select one or more strings and edit it
 Cdate_pickerDate picker widget
 CdialogTop level widget that hosts other widgets
 CeventBase class for all events
 Cevent_loopEvent loop class
 CfontFont class
 CframeTop level widget that hosts other widgets and supports menu bar
 Cgroup_boxWidget that groups other widgets using a frame and a title
 ChboxHorizontal box layout
 ChlineHorizontal line widget
 Chprogress_barHorizontal progress bar widget
 ChsliderHorizontal slider widget
 ChyperlinkWidget that displays static text which links to an URL
 CimageImage class
 Cimage_widgetWidget that displays image
 Cindex_eventEvent class that holds some index in container
 Ckey_eventKeyboard event class that holds information about keyboard when event was generated
 Ckeyboard_stateKeyboard state class
 ClabelWidget that displays static text
 ClayoutBase class for all layouts
 CitemLayout item with arrangement parameters
 Cline_widgetAbstract widget that displays horizontal or vertical line
 Clist_boxWidget to select one or more strings
 ClogLogging stream class
 CdebugShows information in debug log
 CerrorShows error dialog in idle time
 CfatalShows error and abort immediately
 CinfoShows information dialog in idle time
 CtraceShows information in debug log
 CverboseShows verbose information if application was started with –verbose option
 CwarningShows warning dialog in idle time
 Clog_stringLogging stream class with output into provided uistring
 CmenuMenu (list of commands) class
 CitemMenu item
 Cmenu_barMenu bar class
 Cmouse_eventMouse event class that holds information about mouse when event was generated
 Cnative_widgetWidget that wraps previously created native widget
 CnotebookWidget that is an array of tabbed widgets
 Cpainter2D graphics rendering painter
 Cstate_saverSaves state in the constructor and restores it in the destructor
 CpanelWidget that hosts other widgets
 Cpassword_boxPassword editor widget
 Cprogress_barProgress bar widget base class
 CseparatorPseudo class that separates menu items
 CsliderSlider widget base class
 Cstatus_barStatus bar class
 Cstring_boxSingle-line text editor widget
 Cstrings_boxAbstract widget that holds array of strings
 Ctext_boxMulti-line text editor widget
 Ctext_box_baseAbstract text editor widget
 Ctime_pickerTime picker widget
 Ctri_state_check_boxLabelled widget that that permits the user to make a ternary choice
 CuiostringstreamOutput string stream that collects data for UI
 CuistringHelper class to convert string between UI and application logic only
 CvboxVertical box layout
 CvlineVertical line widget
 Cvprogress_barVertical progress bar widget
 CvsliderVertical slider widget
 Cweb_widgetWidget that renders HTML
 Cwheel_eventMouse wheel event class
 CwidgetBase class for all widgets
 CwindowAbstract top level widget that hosts other widgets
 NstdStandard C++ namespace
 Chash< boost::ui::uistring >Std::hash specialization for boost::ui::uistring