User Interface Boost library
▼Nboost | Boost C++ libraries namespace |
▼Nui | Boost.UI library namespace |
Cbasic_point | 2D point data structure with custom coordinates type |
Cbasic_rect | 2D rectangle plane figure data structure with custom coordinates type |
Cbasic_size | 2D size of object data structure with custom coordinates type |
Cbox_layout | Abstract vertical or horizontal box layout |
Cbutton | Widget with label that generate event when clicked on |
Ccanvas | Widget for drawing |
Ccheck_box | Labelled widget that that permits the user to make a binary choice |
Ccheck_box_base | Check box base class |
Cchoice | Widget to select string from popup list of strings |
Cclose_event | Close event class |
Ccolor | Color class |
Ccombo_box | Widget to select one or more strings and edit it |
Cdate_picker | Date picker widget |
Cdialog | Top level widget that hosts other widgets |
Cevent | Base class for all events |
Cevent_loop | Event loop class |
Cfont | Font class |
Cframe | Top level widget that hosts other widgets and supports menu bar |
Cgroup_box | Widget that groups other widgets using a frame and a title |
Chbox | Horizontal box layout |
Chline | Horizontal line widget |
Chprogress_bar | Horizontal progress bar widget |
Chslider | Horizontal slider widget |
Chyperlink | Widget that displays static text which links to an URL |
Cimage | Image class |
Cimage_widget | Widget that displays image |
Cindex_event | Event class that holds some index in container |
Ckey_event | Keyboard event class that holds information about keyboard when event was generated |
Ckeyboard_state | Keyboard state class |
Clabel | Widget that displays static text |
▼Clayout | Base class for all layouts |
Citem | Layout item with arrangement parameters |
Cline_widget | Abstract widget that displays horizontal or vertical line |
Clist_box | Widget to select one or more strings |
▼Clog | Logging stream class |
Cdebug | Shows information in debug log |
Cerror | Shows error dialog in idle time |
Cfatal | Shows error and abort immediately |
Cinfo | Shows information dialog in idle time |
Ctrace | Shows information in debug log |
Cverbose | Shows verbose information if application was started with –verbose option |
Cwarning | Shows warning dialog in idle time |
Clog_string | Logging stream class with output into provided uistring |
▼Cmenu | Menu (list of commands) class |
Citem | Menu item |
Cmenu_bar | Menu bar class |
Cmouse_event | Mouse event class that holds information about mouse when event was generated |
Cnative_widget | Widget that wraps previously created native widget |
Cnotebook | Widget that is an array of tabbed widgets |
▼Cpainter | 2D graphics rendering painter |
Cstate_saver | Saves state in the constructor and restores it in the destructor |
Cpanel | Widget that hosts other widgets |
Cpassword_box | Password editor widget |
Cprogress_bar | Progress bar widget base class |
Cseparator | Pseudo class that separates menu items |
Cslider | Slider widget base class |
Cstatus_bar | Status bar class |
Cstring_box | Single-line text editor widget |
Cstrings_box | Abstract widget that holds array of strings |
Ctext_box | Multi-line text editor widget |
Ctext_box_base | Abstract text editor widget |
Ctime_picker | Time picker widget |
Ctri_state_check_box | Labelled widget that that permits the user to make a ternary choice |
Cuiostringstream | Output string stream that collects data for UI |
Cuistring | Helper class to convert string between UI and application logic only |
Cvbox | Vertical box layout |
Cvline | Vertical line widget |
Cvprogress_bar | Vertical progress bar widget |
Cvslider | Vertical slider widget |
Cweb_widget | Widget that renders HTML |
Cwheel_event | Mouse wheel event class |
Cwidget | Base class for all widgets |
Cwindow | Abstract top level widget that hosts other widgets |
▼Nstd | Standard C++ namespace |
Chash< boost::ui::uistring > | Std::hash specialization for boost::ui::uistring |