painter & | save () |
| Push state.
painter & | restore () |
| Pop state.
painter & | scale (gcoord_type x, gcoord_type y) |
| Adds scaling transformation.
painter & | rotate (gcoord_type angle) |
| Adds rotation transformation.
painter & | fill_color (const color &c) |
| Sets the current color used for filling shapes.
painter & | stroke_color (const color &c) |
| Sets the current color used for filling shapes.
painter & | begin_path () |
| Resets the current path.
painter & | fill () |
| Fills the current path.
painter & | stroke () |
| Strokes the current path.
painter & | line_width (gcoord_type width) |
| Sets line width (default is 1)
painter & | line_cap (ui::line_cap lc) |
| Sets type of line endings, default value is butt.
painter & | line_join (ui::line_join lj) |
| Sets type of line join, default value is miter.
painter & | font (const ui::font &f) |
| Sets font.
ui::font | font () const |
| Returns font.
painter & | close_path () |
| Connects the last point to the first point in the subpath.
painter & | translate (gcoord_type x, gcoord_type y) |
| Adds translation transformation.
template<class T > |
painter & | translate (const basic_point< T > &p) |
| Adds translation transformation.
painter & | clear_rect (gcoord_type x, gcoord_type y, gcoord_type width, gcoord_type height) |
| Clears all pixels on the painter in the given rectangle to transparent black.
template<class T > |
painter & | clear_rect (const basic_rect< T > &r) |
| Clears all pixels on the painter in the given rectangle to transparent black.
template<class T > |
painter & | clear_rect (const basic_point< T > &point, const basic_size< T > &size) |
| Clears all pixels on the painter in the given rectangle to transparent black.
template<class T > |
painter & | clear_rect (const basic_point< T > &point1, const basic_point< T > &point2) |
| Clears all pixels on the painter in the given rectangle to transparent black.
painter & | fill_rect (gcoord_type x, gcoord_type y, gcoord_type width, gcoord_type height) |
| Paints the given rectangle onto the painter, using the current fill style.
template<class T > |
painter & | fill_rect (const basic_rect< T > &r) |
| Paints the given rectangle onto the painter, using the current fill style.
template<class T > |
painter & | fill_rect (const basic_point< T > &point, const basic_size< T > &size) |
| Paints the given rectangle onto the painter, using the current fill style.
template<class T > |
painter & | fill_rect (const basic_point< T > &point1, const basic_point< T > &point2) |
| Paints the given rectangle onto the painter, using the current fill style.
painter & | stroke_rect (gcoord_type x, gcoord_type y, gcoord_type width, gcoord_type height) |
| Paints the box that outlines the given rectangle onto the painter, using the current stroke style.
template<class T > |
painter & | stroke_rect (const basic_rect< T > &r) |
| Paints the box that outlines the given rectangle onto the painter, using the current stroke style.
template<class T > |
painter & | stroke_rect (const basic_point< T > &point, const basic_size< T > &size) |
| Paints the box that outlines the given rectangle onto the painter, using the current stroke style.
template<class T > |
painter & | stroke_rect (const basic_point< T > &point1, const basic_point< T > &point2) |
| Paints the box that outlines the given rectangle onto the painter, using the current stroke style.
painter & | fill_text (const uistring &text, gcoord_type x, gcoord_type y) |
| Fills the given text at the given position.
template<class T > |
painter & | fill_text (const uistring &text, const basic_point< T > &p) |
| Fills the given text at the given position.
painter & | draw_image (const image &img, gcoord_type dx, gcoord_type dy) |
| Draws the given image onto the painter.
template<class T > |
painter & | draw_image (const image &img, const basic_point< T > &p) |
| Draws the given image onto the painter.
template<class Iterator > |
painter & | line_dash (Iterator first, Iterator last) |
| Sets line dashes.
template<class Range > |
painter & | line_dash (const Range &r) |
| Sets line dashes.
template<class T > |
painter & | line_dash (std::initializer_list< T > list) |
| Sets line dashes.
painter & | line_dash (nullopt_t) |
| Resets line dashes.
painter & | reset_line_dash () |
| Resets line dashes.
painter & | move_to (gcoord_type x, gcoord_type y) |
| Creates a new subpath with the specified point as its first (and only) point.
template<class T > |
painter & | move_to (const basic_point< T > &p) |
| Creates a new subpath with the specified point as its first (and only) point.
painter & | line_to (gcoord_type x, gcoord_type y) |
| Connects the last point in the subpath to the specified point using a straight line.
template<class T > |
painter & | line_to (const basic_point< T > &p) |
| Connects the last point in the subpath to the specified point using a straight line.
painter & | quadratic_curve_to (gcoord_type cpx, gcoord_type cpy, gcoord_type x, gcoord_type y) |
| Creates quadratic Bezier curve with control point (cpx, cpy)
template<class T > |
painter & | quadratic_curve_to (const basic_point< T > &cp, const basic_point< T > &p) |
| Creates quadratic Bezier curve with control point (cpx, cpy)
painter & | bezier_curve_to (gcoord_type cp1x, gcoord_type cp1y, gcoord_type cp2x, gcoord_type cp2y, gcoord_type x, gcoord_type y) |
| Creates cubic Bezier curve with control points (cp1x, cp1y) and (cp2x, cp2y)
template<class T > |
painter & | bezier_curve_to (const basic_point< T > &cp1, const basic_point< T > &cp2, const basic_point< T > &p) |
| Creates cubic Bezier curve with control points (cp1x, cp1y) and (cp2x, cp2y)
painter & | arc (gcoord_type x, gcoord_type y, gcoord_type radius, gcoord_type start_angle, gcoord_type end_angle, bool anticlockwise=false) |
| Creates an arc.
template<class T > |
painter & | arc (const basic_point< T > &p, gcoord_type radius, gcoord_type start_angle, gcoord_type end_angle, bool anticlockwise=false) |
| Creates an arc.
painter & | rect (gcoord_type x, gcoord_type y, gcoord_type w, gcoord_type h) |
| Creates rectangular closed subpath.
template<class T > |
painter & | rect (const basic_rect< T > &r) |
| Creates rectangular closed subpath.
template<class T > |
painter & | rect (const basic_point< T > &point, const basic_size< T > &size) |
| Creates rectangular closed subpath.
template<class T > |
painter & | rect (const basic_point< T > &point1, const basic_point< T > &point2) |
| Creates rectangular closed subpath.
native_handle_type | native_handle () |
| Returns the implementation-defined underlying painter handle.